Recently announced grants include, but are not limited to, funding for: Body-worn cameras: 98 awards totaling $4.6 million to equip peace officers with body-worn camera systems to record investigative activities. Border Fire Protection District: 22 awards totaling $3.1 million for specialized equipment and equipment to support specialized fire departments in border areas to assist emergency services in carrying out operations to deter crime in border areas. One million people will participate to help obtain medical supplies. Shields: 100 awards totaling $4.9 million to equip peace officers with bulletproof shields. Bulletproof Vest: 113 awards totaling $1.8 million to provide rifle-resistant body armor to peace officers to prevent loss of life during tactical and emergency response operations. Crime Stoppers Support: 33 awards totaling $364,000 to strategically support, expand, and fund local certified Texas Crime Stoppers organizations that help protect Texas communities. District Attorney Forensic Evidence Examination: Five awards totaling $519,000 to reimburse the District Attorney’s Office for costs associated with forensic analysis of physical evidence. Homeland Security: 316 awards totaling $56.5 million to prevent terrorism and prepare for the threats and dangers posed by the greatest risks to the safety of Texas and its residents. These projects fund equipment, planning, training, exercises, and other activities for local, regional, and state-level agencies to strengthen core competencies outlined in national preparedness goals. Human Trafficking: 46 short-term and long-term awards totaling $24.8 million. We provide residential services, advocacy, and case management for survivors of human trafficking in Texas, as well as innovative projects to prevent, investigate, and prosecute commercial sexual exploitation of people in Texas. Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforces: Develop effective responses to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and Internet crimes against children, including forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, and community education. Three awards totaling $900,000 were awarded to the project. Justice Assistance: 231A total of $15.3 million was awarded to promote public safety, reduce crime, and improve the criminal justice system. These projects provided funding for support personnel, equipment, supplies, training, technical assistance, and information systems for criminal justice purposes. Juvenile Justice and Truancy Prevention: 111 awards totaling $8 million to prevent violence in and around schools and improve the juvenile justice system. Mental health services, truancy prevention, and intervention through community-based and school programs. Rural Border Security (Border Star): 74 awards totaling $5.5 million to cover overtime and operating costs to help strengthen law enforcement to combat drug, human, and other crimes along the Texas-Mexico border. Existence to detect, deter, and disrupt human trafficking. Nonprofit Security Improvements: 224 awards totaling $30.4 million for projects that support physical security enhancements and other security efforts for nonprofit organizations, including synagogues, churches, and nonprofit organizations. Other religious groups that are at high risk of terrorist attacks based on their ideology, beliefs, or mission. Operation Lone Star: 87 awards totaling $55.7 million for projects to enhance interagency border security operations in support of Operation Lone Star, including facilitating directed actions to deter and deter criminal activity. Awarded. Paul Coverdell Improving Forensic Science: Five awards totaling $1.7 million for projects that improve the quality and timeliness of forensic or medical examiner service delivery, and projects that seek to address emerging forensic science. Special funding is set aside for projects that help address the opioid epidemic. Project Safer Neighborhoods: A total of 22 awards will be awarded for projects that aim to create and foster safer communities through sustained reductions in violent crime, including but not limited to addressing crime. It is offered for $1.2 million. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: Six awards totaling $3.1 million for projects that provide residential substance abuse treatment within community corrections and detention SAFE Ready Facilities: As defined in Chapter 323 of the Texas Health Code A total of $4.4 million to support health care facilities across Texas with the training, equipment, and supplies needed to achieve and maintain the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Ready designation41 won the award. Safety regulations. Serving Crime Victims and Addressing Violence Against Women: 509 awards totaling $194.9 million to provide direct services to crime victims and accelerate response to crime victims Violence against women Projects that promote a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to improving the justice system’s response to crime, as well as restoring and supporting women through the criminal justice process. Covers costs associated with forensic analysis of physical evidence related to sexual assault and other sexual crimes. Specialty Courts: 80 awards totaling $12.2 million for judicial assistance to help participants with substance abuse and mental health issues pursue healthier lifestyles, reduce recidivism, and address court crowding. supervised treatment, intensive case management, and other services to support. State Crisis Intervention Program: 50 awards totaling $13.30 to support the prevention, intervention, and reduction of crime and violence and provide essential services to at-risk populations in Texas communities. million dollars will be paid. State Cybersecurity Program: 125 grants totaling $8.1 million to address pressing cybersecurity threats to local information systems, including making investments to help local governments manage and reduce systemic cyber risks. . Statewide Emergency Radio Infrastructure: 16 awards totaling $23.1 million to support state and local efforts to improve or maintain interoperable emergency radio infrastructure. Texas Anti-Gang Center: Nine awards totaling $30.2 million for projects that support regional and interdisciplinary approaches to combating gang violence through coordination of gang prevention, intervention, and suppression efforts. did.