As we say goodbye to 2024, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in our community and the Crime Stoppers program. Your contributions often go unnoticed, but you always rise to the challenge and do your best even in the most difficult times. You are the guardians of our families, homes, communities, and way of life.
Crime Stoppers serves as a critical bridge between citizens and law enforcement, allowing individuals to anonymously share critical information. The collaboration between law enforcement and Crime Stoppers volunteers across our great state is truly commendable. Your presence on our streets, in our schools, in our neighborhoods, at our events fosters a deep sense of security and helps us all feel more secure.
Your selfless dedication and countless sacrifices have a far-reaching impact not only on your local community but on all Texans. Thousands of hours spent processing anonymous tips have resulted in countless arrests, millions of dollars worth of drugs and weapons seized from the streets, and justice for countless crime victims. It was done. Your work is invaluable and deeply appreciated.
I want to personally thank you for your tireless efforts to make Texas a safer and better place. What you do requires extraordinary perseverance, focus, and heart, and the positive impact of your efforts will reverberate throughout the state.
As we enter the new year, we are excited to continue our collaboration and look forward to the great achievements we can achieve together in the coming year. Your efforts are making a difference, and we are confident that we will continue to make great progress in 2025.
Lindsey Isla – Texas Crime Stoppers Director