TYLER, TX (KLTV) – No matter the weather, hot, cold, hurricane or drought, it seems like barely a week goes by without hearing about a boil water order being issued somewhere in East Texas.
This situation usually occurs when the water system is unable to maintain pressure within the system, putting it at risk of bacterial contamination. Water systems can fail due to power outages that stop pumps, broken water mains, or other infrastructure failures.
Cities, especially rural ones, are often slow to repair or improve their water systems. The pipes are invisible and repairs can be costly. Some relief and assistance may be available for smaller systems across the state. But action is needed.
Thanks to Proposition 6, passed by Texas voters last November, millions of dollars are now available to local utilities to help them find low-cost financing for water and wastewater treatment projects.
There is an application process, which is set to be accelerated this autumn, and while failures may be inevitable next week or next month, many municipalities need to take this opportunity seriously, as they are left without options for repairs or improvements.
The state agency is the Texas Water Development Board, which has online resources: Administrators, elected officials, and concerned citizens need to be educated and take action to secure these funds to ensure a clean water future for Texas, especially East Texas.
Let’s act now, and East Texas will be better for it.
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