Dr. Loyle M. JohnsonA year later, a new report titled “Under Siege: Campus Racial Climate in Texas Higher Education Amid Anti-DEI Legislation” has released a new report titled “Under Siege: Campus Racial Climate in Texas Higher Education Amid Anti-DEI Legislation” is investigating how the proposed law has affected college campuses across the Lorne State. Star status.
SB 17 is one of several anti-DEI bills introduced nationwide. So far, similar bills have been signed into law in Florida, Tennessee, Utah, North Carolina and North Dakota.
While these bills claim to “de-bureaucracy of DEI and restore equity to public universities,” they often do not address the characteristics of DEI or how these programs benefit students of color and LGBTQ+ students. , and contains significant misconceptions about the important support it provides to other marginalized groups.
USC’s report aims to provide baseline data to understand the racial climate on campus before and after the law took effect. DEI encompasses a wide range of programs and policies that contribute to improving the campus environment. This includes centers, identity-based student organizations, cultural awareness programs, and more. SB 17 would result in the exclusion of these entities.
“Texas has been a bellwether state in many ways, and has been part of the face of the far-right conservative movement and its coordinated attacks on DEI,” said Dr. Loyle M. Johnson, an associate professor at the University of Southern California. , director of the National Assessment of College Campus Climate (NACCC) and author of the report. “In many ways, when Texas moves in a certain direction, it becomes a model for other states to exercise agency in really alarming ways.”
This report draws on data from the NACCC, three quantitative surveys focused on campus racial climate managed by the USC Race and Equity Center.
Dr. Liliana M. Garces, Ken McIntyre Professor of Excellence in School Leadership at the University of Texas at Austin, said the report is valuable and shows the impact anti-DEI laws have on the student experience.
“These are programs and initiatives that are in place to support all student learning and student success,” Garces said. “This report highlights how much the learning environment is impacting students. These policies help institutions foster that learning and help students feel like they belong on college campuses. It prevents us from fostering the necessary safety and feeling that their experiences are valued and that we can learn from each other.”
The report highlights that students of color in Texas are negatively impacted academically and psychologically, and that LGBTQ+ and non-binary students feel less safe and less welcome. It’s saying what you feel.
“One of our goals was to humanize the lived experiences of so many students across the state who are navigating new realities under this current law,” Johnson said. “This is not abstract.”
Johnson said the elimination of centers and supports critical to student engagement will have a negative impact on students, and that impact will likely increase over time, adding that these facilities will reduce student retention and student success. He added that it is contributing to the improvement of
“So many institutions have been promoting DEI as part of their rhetoric about universities for decades,” Johnson said. “They see some value in DEI, and they’ve done all this work to support DEI over the past 20 years, so why would they stop at this special time? ”
Johnson said this is a question of institutional will, moral courage, and leaders who believe DEI is the foundation of higher education institutions.
The report notes that the lack of DEI programming also reduces opportunities for students to learn about race and build community. Although academic courses and research are not included in SB 17, Johnson said there are signs that faculty are avoiding discussions about equity and race for fear of repercussions.
“Regardless of their racial background, approximately 44% of[students]say they don’t learn about race from anyone on campus,” said Dr. , “Report. “There is already a lack of learning about race in these public institutions, and we believe SB 17 has the potential to exacerbate this problem.”
The report concludes with recommendations for action. These include maintaining equity activity through creative strategies and leveraging private partnerships and alumni networks. The report also encourages countering misinformation with data-based advocacy. This includes highlighting the benefits of DEI programs using evidence-based reporting and monitoring and documenting student outcomes.
“We believe this law could have a negative impact on educational institutions,” Kwon said, adding that campus climate surveys are a common way to track student reactions.
Johnson said attacks on DEI are likely to escalate as President Trump’s second term begins in the coming weeks.
“We have to engage our communities. We have to build coalitions. And we have to double down on what we know is important, not retreat.” he said.